Saturday, December 4, 2010


me... :O
I wantz zome brainz please...

give me...



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Secret Snowflake

It's a secret, Day one of Misery

Hiding at Green


I'm absolutely terrified right now. I was walking back to my dorm at around 11:50 last night when I was suddenly ambushed at midnights by the screams of zombies. I jumped in fear as at least about thirty zombies came running out of nowhere. They continued howling in demonish voices, voices of pure "I want to eat you"ness. I ran for it, leaving my bike Cher. I made it to Green Library where most of it was secured. I decided to hide in the stacks for the night till the zombies finished their crazy howling. I've never been that terrified, ever! As I was hiding, I knew there were zombies in the libary. I could hear them.  So I couldn't use my laptop as MacBooks are super loud when they turn on (damn drive is so loud).

The Stacks, always a safe place

I stayed watch and decided it was safe to move at around two in the morning. I managed to make it back to my dorm alive, by then I ran into my RA. He is still a zombie, sadly :( I managed to get sleep and recharge for another day of zombie evading

My Zombie RA reaching out to eat my brains