Sunday, November 28, 2010

Upcoming... INCEPTION!

CME first, Inception second :D

So I'm up again on the third floor with Nick doing some awesome homework so I can hopefully pass my finals in two weeks so that I don't lost my scholarship funding! That would really suck. If you are thinking of going to Stanford, be really careful your first year. I was so used to always taking the hard classes at my old school b/c they were pretty easy since it was a public school. I should've realized that the hard classes here are Stanford hard. Even worse for me, they're engineering. I jumped from AP Calc AB to CME 100. Not smart. I missed a ton of fundamentals that I needed for the class. Luckily tutoring is awesome on campus. The tutors are usually grad students specific to the subject. My CME tutor is Mavis, who is a first year grad student in the CME department. She's really awesome! CS 106X is also killing me slowly. In super slow bites. I thought X would be cool, and it is, but people are really intense in the class. I feel so intimidated by all the intensity in the class, but it also makes me work harder and push myself more.

But after I finish all my studying today I'm going off to see Inception at Flicks!!!! YEAH! So at Stanford, we have this program called Flicks that basically plays movies that have just come off the silver screen, but aren't out on DVD. It's FREE and its AWESOME! So this should make the end of the Thanksgiving break awesome! Woot woot!!!!!!! :D

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